New Moon in Libra- October 12, 2015

Happy New Moon in Libra!  It's time for our regular New Moon reading to help set our goals and intentions for the coming month, backed by the energetic power of the moon up there in the sky. The New Moon in Libra is an excellent time to consider the concept of balance and how it relates to your life. There is a common conception that keeping the various aspects of our lives in harmonious balance will bring greater joy and peace to our lives. We want to have a healthy work/life balance.  We want to eat a balanced diet. We want to balance our inner and outer worlds.  Do you believe in these ideas? Do you seek greater balance in your life? Let's ask the tarot some Libra supported questions about setting an intention to create a more balanced life and focus ourselves on that goal this coming moon cycle.  Here's what the tarot has to say!: SonWandsMP

Where do I need to seek greater balance in my life?- Son of Wands reversed Have you been taking things a little too lightly lately, maybe leaning toward laziness or excessive partying? Well, it might be time to take a break form the party life, and buckle down a little bit in terms of work. Yes, we all deserve a light-hearted break but this can only really be enjoyable if we are actually taking a break from something, instead of just being a goof off.  What area of your life deserves a bit more effort and focus this month? Wands encourage creative pursuits, so don't keep procrastinating on starting that novel, exercise routine, book club, volunteer program, art class, home improvement, etc. If it all just seems too overwhelming and you can't figure out which of your million ideas to get going on- just pick one!  The Libra New Moon can promote hesitancy making decisions, so be very aware of where you are holding yourself back from making a decision by hemming and hawing over the pros and cons for too long. Put all your ideas in a hat and pick one! If your gut tells you to put your first choice aside, keep picking until you have that aha! moment of clarity about what you want to get working on now.  Then use this Son of Wands encouraging burst of energy to get you off and running.

The Empress Motherpeace Tarot

How can I foster and support this balance?- The Empress The Empress is here to support you with love and abundance when reaching toward balance this New Moon. Remember, you are enough, you have enough, there is enough to go around. These are the teachings of The Empress, which we (archetypically) receive in childhood as the unconditional love from our mothers. It's time to connect with all things feminine and bring more of the feminine principle into your life. This energy is very creative, as it is essential to the creation and gestation of all human life. This goes well with the Son of Wands who wants to bring action and masculine active energy into your month. The Empess is the balance to this masculine assertive energy, with her ability to allow, flow, and be receptive to the energy within and surrounding her.  It is so necessary to connect with your inner Empress this New Moon in order to let her natural, sensual, abundant love support you in your quest to find balance. This is a good sign that it will not be all hard work, but rather flowing and natural work that will lead to creation, manifestation, and gentle love coming into your life this New Moon.


What is blocking my ability to find or work within this balance?- Priestess of Discs reversed This one is a duh card, a smack in the face that you haven't been utilizing your inner Empress.  The Priestess of Discs (or Queen of Pentacles in other decks) is the earthly embodiment of The Empress archetype.  Here is The Empress brought to life in your every day routine. The reversal means you are so not being a nurturing, physical, loving, compassionate Earth Mother. That lack is blocking your ability to find harmony and balance in your life. We live in a very masculine dominated society of doing.  Look for every day ways to integrate feminine balance.  The woman depicted in the card is doing some simple yoga stretches, an excellent way to balance and connect to the flow of energy in your body. Can you find 5 minutes a day for yoga, breathing and stretching?  How else could you connect with the physical world in order to focus on balance?  Try appreciating the natural world around you, even if it's a single flower you buy at the supermarket, just look at it and love it naturally.

I hope you are having a wonder New Moon in Libra! I'm wishing you the best in your endeavors and the never ending balancing of the scales that karma presents in our lives. Get in touch if you would like a personal New Moon reading!