Tarotscopes for July- Happy Birthday Cancers!

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to me! The sun was happily shining away in the watery sign of Cancer 33 years ago when I decided to grace the Earth with my presence. I hope everyone in the northern hemisphere is enjoying the long days of summer, getting their tan on, and enjoying some time in the water. Cancers love water, so make sure to bring your favorite Cancer to the lake, ocean, or stream this month. Make sure to pack lots of drinks and get ready to share some juicy conversations about love, feelings, and the meaning of life. Here are you tarotscopes for the month of July! 9pentsRWS

Cancer- IX of Pentacles reversed You’re still working hard at incorporating the lessons and new skills from last year into your every day experience. It’s an important to finish up and solidify what you have been trying to accomplish last year, in order to create a healthy, happy year to come. Don’t give up just yet on your ideals, when you are so close to achieving your goals for yourself. Harmony, and the rest and relaxation that comes after a job well done, are right on your horizon. This new year will see your current challenges transcended and a time of stability and comfort begin. The IX of Pentacles energy is here, ready to usher in a year when you can finally sit back in relax, feeling like you have accomplished what you set out to do. Make sure to plan some especially luxuries activities for yourself. I'm thinking a delicious dinner, a deep tissue massage, and some time floating around on a boat in the lake.  Happy Birthday Cancer!

Leo- X of Wands Lots of hard work coming up for you in July, Leo friends. You are a super motivated and fired up person, but make sure you aren’t taking on more than you can handle. Try focusing on finishing up the projects you have already started before launching into any new ones.  All work and no play, is not a good idea for summer time.

Virgo- IX of Wands It’s all about perseverance this July, Virgo friends. If you are feeling worn out or put upon, look for ways to fortify yourself in order to keep going. It might seem like the odds are stacked against you, but believe me- you’ve got this! Nourish your mind, body, and soul for a continued effort; it will pay off.

Libra- V of Pentacles Looks like July might be a rough one for you, Libra friends. Be careful not to overspend because your financial situation may take a turn for the worse. Keep yourself open to spiritual fulfillment over physical or financial abundance. Being prepared for adversity will help you overcome it more quickly.

Scorpio- The Sun reversed A perfect, summer sunshine radiates over you. Happiness is going to find you when you least expect it this month, Scorpio friends. Don’t worry too much about what you think will bring your joy, but know in your heart that vitality, warmth, success, and abundance is your right. An awakening is coming.

Sagittarius- Ace of Pentacles reversed This July, ask yourself what’s holding you back from your potential, Sag friends. All around you an energy of new beginnings and growth awaits, but you are feeling unwilling or unprepared to seize it. Try not to shy away from your potential, confront your dreams and goals, and take one small step forward this month.

Capricorn- V of Swords You will be overwhelmed by thoughts and opinions this July, Cappy friends, and might not have the polished diplomatic skills necessary to effectively communicate. Be wary that you don’t pick fights just because you know you can “win”. Sometimes a battle avoided is much better than completely obliterating an unprepared opponent.

Aquarius- The Magician reversed It’s time to start manifesting your dreams this month, Aquarius friends. It’s the first leap of faith into the world of creation that is tripping you up, though. Don’t let fear of the unknown hold you back forever. Try a mental exercise of imagining an ideal outcome for your situation, and then let it all go and see what happens in real life.Seize your personal power!

Pisces- III of Swords reversed It’s time to put sad times behind you, my little Fishies. It you are still regretting past decisions or actions, you need to let it go. What came before does not have to define who you are in this moment now. You can begin afresh and move forward with the knowledge that everything does happen for a reason, one you may never know, but that's ok.

Aries- Mother of Swords reversed You may be sorely tempted to wear your sarcastic bitch pants this month, Aries friends. My advice is to use them sparingly, though. Some of your friends can handle the blunt truth of things and see the fun and games in sarcastic wit, but others can be easily hurt. If you gotta let your inner bitch out, choose the time and place wisely, and warn others!

Taurus- Temperance reversed Keeping everything in balance is going to be a challenge for you this July, Taurus friend. The good news is, that when you do achieve a harmony and flow between your thoughts and actions, between your desires and your obligations, and between your work and play, the sense of peace you feel will be more than deeply satisfying, it will be transcendent.

Gemini- Father of Cups July will be an uncharacteristically emotionally month for you, Gemini friends. You may find yourself with a deep sense of compassion and understanding, and want to act as a peacemaker or mediator between your friends or family members. Be generous, supportive and giving of yourself this July, just going with the flow of your feelings.

May you each have the best and most beautiful month ahead!