All Possible Beginnings with the New Moon in Aquarius

Happy New Moon in Aquarius! It's that time again- time to set our intentions for the coming moon cycle. And guess what this New Moon is good for in the intention setting department? Any new beginning you can imagine! How awesome is that? There is so much potential to set off in any direction you desire at this time. If you are dreaming it, you are ready to go for it. And chances are that you have been dreaming it for a while now, clearing and cleaning space to make room for the new. Don't let this amazing opportunity pass by. It's time to seize the day and get your show on the road. Your new beginning could be big or small, it is the intention you put into achieving that beginning that is most important. You can live that intention starting right now.Perhaps you, like me, haven't gotten around to setting intentions and goals for the year 2019. Or maybe you just like to make your big plans for the year when the New Moon is in Aquarius, coinciding with the Lunar New Year/Chinese New Year/Imbolc. It finally feels like winter is tipping ever so slightly towards spring and there is a hint of kinetic energy in the air. Winter and hibernation will come to an end soon. What will you create during the next cycle of your life, both with the moon and with the calendar year?

Let's look at what the tarot has to offer us for advice at this New Moon in Aquarius:

What energy will help you best set intentions for the moon cycle?- Page of Wands rx You need to go inside, dive into your essential center, and start to boost up your self-esteem. There is a tremor of self doubt undermining your creative vision at this time. You don't quite have your feet under you. Perhaps you lack self-confidence due to past attempts to achieve your goals that didn't end with the intended results. There are no mistakes! Everything you have tried before has taught you important lessons that you are ready to integrate into your next attempt. Never stop trying. There is a creative vision inside of you, full of inspiration and enthusiasm. It's worth the effort to stoke that spark of fire inside of you. This your pep talk from me, but you could also use a good pep talk from your own soul. Look into your eyes in the mirror and affirm to yourself that you have killer ideas, plenty of energy, and you will go out and make things happen for yourself!

What area of your life is ready for a new beginning this moon cycle?- Wheel of Fortune Like I wrote in the introduction to this reading, anything goes at this New Moon in Aquarius. The Wheel of Fortune is spinning and you can put out your hand to stop it at any point that ignites your interest. Your new beginning may come as a surprise, a stroke of luck, a feeling of destiny as an unlooked for door suddenly opens before you. Or your new beginning could be a long mulled over and highly anticipated step in a direction you've been considering for quite sometimes. No matter how the path opens up before you, do not fail to start walking down it. Keep your mind open and optimistic. Often the paths offered to us lead where we want to go, but not in the way we wanted to get there. You can't always design your path, but at least you can design your attitude.

How can you be your unique self, honest and true?-  II of Cups rx The thing about being your unique self is that this newly authentic and honest expression of yourself can rock the boat of your routine world. You may be super jazzed about changes you want to make and self-development work you want to do, but people around you, including your most cherished loved ones, might not be as excited to see you change. The pressure to conform, to stay the same, to keep the status quo can be intense. This is because you changing implies that other people have to change, and people don't like to change when they feel pressured and out of control. So your challenge this month will be- not giving a fuck what other people think of you. Yes, easier said than done, but when the end result is you feeling like you are true to yourself- it's worth the risk. Some people in your life may jump ship now that you've changed, but you can bless their journeys and steer your own course now. It's going to take courage, but the love you have for yourself in your own heart will buoy you up during the storm.

How can you look at your life in an inventive new way?- King of Cups rx It's time to develop a new relationships with your own emotions. Let's be honest, sometimes our emotions get the better of us and run the show... often into the ground. You may use your emotions as an excuse for your escapist or addictive behaviors. You can also use positive emotions to make excuses, like doing things out of love or because they feel good. But we all know that our emotions lie to us all the time, they manipulate us and lead us astray. Yet, we still seem to go back to them, stoke them up, use them to get what we want. There's gotta be a better way to live! Maybe a good first step for the month ahead is to simply acknowledge how you work with your emotions, especially how you seek to avoid the "unpleasant" ones and use the "nice" ones to cover up and avoid pain. Developing a new relationship with painful emotions, allowing them to exist and pass through you is the next step, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Start with just watching how you weasel away from unpleasantness and eventually the noticing will lead you to the next step of going through your darkest pain to come out again into the light.

How can you express yourself more clearly and creatively?- IX of Wands Express yourself with courage and consistency. You have something to say and you will feel vulnerable, exposed, and revealed by proclaiming yourself. We already talked about how a lot of people may not like what you have to say. The IX of Wands assures you that you should persevere, though. Nothing good comes from conforming to the crowd and believing the naysayers. When it feels like everyone is out to get you and you're depleted and losing ground, just stop and breath. You are strong. You are brave. You can keep going. Meditate on the paradox that you are your highest self right now and also constantly evolving towards your higher self. This moment is a test of your faith. Be resilient, flexible, and adaptable, but never give up!

Okay, that is the tarot reading for everyone at this Aquarius New Moon. If you're inspired to get a personal reading from me, hop on over to my readings page and order one today! Blessed New Moon and keep up the good work!