Find Love Through Balance with the New Moon in Libra, October 19th, 2017

It's that magical time of month again- New Moon time! The New Moon, this month in the sign of Libra, is a wonderful time for setting intentions on what you want to grow, create, accomplish, or manifest in the coming four weeks. It can be helpful to develop those intentions with the energy of the Moon's current sign. So in what areas of life does Libra help support us this month? I chose three Libra strengths to set intentions around: love and all relationships, finding balance, and being diplomatic and fair. Then I asked the tarot to give us some advice around these Libra themes to help us in our intention setting time. Give the below tarot advice a read through and then take a moment to sit back and come up with your intentions for the month. Try to pick just a few intentions in order to put maximum manifestation power behind those intentions. The more honed in and focused your are on your intention, the better your results will be.

What will help you appreciate and improve your relationships and be loyal, supportive, and committed to the people you love?- Death reversed You have to let go of the past in order to make room in your heart for what you truly want out of your relationships. So often we repeat relationships patterns over and over again. We choose variations of lovers and friends who we haven't had successful or positive relationships with and we repeat those relationship patterns with each new partner. This obviously leads to similar results and outcomes with new relationships. You've got to let this go! Let the past go! Try something completely different and see how getting out of your comfort zone can be scary but oh, so rewarding. Don't be afraid of change. Instead, embrace change as your ultimate best source of happiness and fulfillment. Change is how we grow, develop, and reach that next level. Let this New Moon signal a transition away from unhealthy past relationships (and this includes your relationship with yourself), towards more fulfilling and positive relationships in your present.

Intention: I set the intention to clear away past relationships that I cling to out of fear of change. I am open to change, releasing my comfort zone in order to find loving and fulfilling relationships.

How and when can you be more diplomatic and fair-minded?- The World reversed Carrying on with the theme of letting go, closure, and moving on, The World invites us to use this New Moon to find internal completion. Now we must go through the process of ending or finishing a phase of life. This process can't be rushed. There are no short cuts here. We must go through all the effort, mess, and unease of figuring out what happened, how we feel about it, what it might have meant, and then putting it behind us. This is tough work, but it is so necessary. What is blocking you or holding you back from closure? Hash out what feels unfair or unjust. Speak your truth, even if it is just to yourself, because you need to do this for yourself above all others. There may be no way to achieve a feeling of fairness and even the score, but that's not the point. The point is to reach a place of peace in your heart. The world is an unfair place, there's no rule or reason to much of what happens in our lives, but there is a chance for acceptance and space to move on.

Intention: I set the intention to learn from my past, accept my present moment, and allow for hope and change in the future. Unfair or unjust things may happen in my life, and even though I do no know what the reason or lesson is of those events, that do no define me.

What area of your life needs attention in order to foster balance and harmony in your life?- The Fool reversed Being dedicated to closure and letting go of the past is your wonderful strength right now, yet there is a still a need to balance out all the ending energy with a hope and faith for a new beginning. You do not have to focus solely on the past. There is still room for positivity and optimism about the next big thing coming your way. Foster a sense of possibility and openness to what the Universe has to offer you as you deal with your past. Ready yourself for a risk, for a leap of faith into a bright new future. Trust that you will succeed. Act as if there is no such thing as failure and believe in yourself 100%. You are not quite ready to take that leap as you shake old patterns and transition into a new mindset, but a big part of creating that new mindset is a bright belief that a new day is upon you and anything is possible. Hold that candle of hope and joy inside of you. Bring balance to your life by admiring and tending to that new light, even as you extinguish the last flames of an older light. This transition time is beautiful, miserable, necessary, and wonderful.

Intention: I set the intention to balance my energy between clearing away what no longer serves me from the past and opening up to what is possible in my present moment. I ready myself for a leap of faith into a bright future. 

Happy New Moon in Libra!