Exploring the Shadow with the New Moon in Scorpio

The New Moon in Scorpio on October 30th, 2016 brings a powerful energy of introspection and reflection. Scorpio, a deeply emotional water sign, asks us to look within our hearts in order to clear ourselves of judgements, projections, fears, and blocks. This is not easy work, it takes a high level of self awareness and consciousness to confront your shadow self. The New Moon is a wonderful time to start fresh with the energy of the waxing moon guiding your growth in the direction you choose now. What can the Scorpio New Moon reveal to you at this time which will help you heal, connect with your heart center, and let go of harsh criticisms of those are you? Let us look at what advice the tarot has for us now: vcupsdm

What truth is hidden from me that this New Moon can reveal now?- V of Cups rx You are ready to move on and leave past hurts and regrets behind you. Do you not know this?- You are ready. Do not keep yourself in an emotional holding pattern when you can move on. There is potential for new relationships and self-acceptance. Let this New Moon usher in a new phase of self love, openness and understanding in your current relationships, and a willingness to allow new relationships into your world. Whatever it is that has you feeling down or emotionally withdraw, you can handle it. You are handling it. You have handled it nicely. Now it is time to focus on what still remains and what you want to create in your realm of emotional wellbeing. Scorpio and Cups energy is all about that watery, emotional realm where you dig deep, realize you are a total badass who can take the pain of living in this world, and thrive after your adversity. It's time to make that realization, to claim your power, and to look towards a brighter and stronger future. Only you can let the past go, so give yourself the space and time to accept that power.

The Hermit Deviant Moon Tarot

How can this revelation help clear me of criticisms, judgements, and obstacles?- The Hermit The Hermit finds the hidden wisdom inside of herself through solitary spiritual exploration. As you're letting go of those past hurts and regrets with the V of Cups, you may find it easier to do that work if you give yourself plenty of alone time. Spend a night in, alone with your journal or other creative outlet. Don't watch TV or read a book or distract yourself in any way. Just connect with your spirit self, your spirit guides, your spirituality. What does your soul believe the purpose of your life to be? Why are you alive? Why is anyone alive? What do these questions make you think and feel? The Hermit deals first with her inner world, with caring for her soul, and though that self knowledge, works to change her world. The Scorpio New Moon begins the darkest time of year when we can explore that inner world with the greatest ease as barriers between light and dark erode and shift. You can transform yourself now as well if you are willing to be your Hermit and take the time to connect to your inner wisdom. Let the darkness be your guide.

VIII of Wands rx

What am I projecting onto others that I need to confront and cleanse from my emotional waters?- VIII of Wands rx When it feels like life has become stagnant or stale, we often have a tendency to blame these feelings on other people. "If only so-and-so would do his part we would be so much farther along." Or, "If it wasn't for so-and-so I could be in such a better position in life." What you can do now is take your power, your agency, your ability to affect change in your life, and own that. Yes, other people do present obstacles sometimes, but there are always work arounds to getting what you want if you are willing to be creative, to sacrifice, to reevaluate, and to just plain make it work. When you are having your Hermit time, working through your emotional V of Cups energy, don't rush it, or force it, or define a way that it has to be. The only thing it has to be is your way. The only thing you have to do is try. Outcomes are irrelevant, so detach and flow. This is all about you, not what other people are doing or thinking. A guided meditation might be helpful for this, or perhaps a massage, or a slow yoga class. Remember to be thankful and grateful to yourself for making the effort at all. It is not every day that you are so kind to yourself.

I hope you enjoyed this Scorpio New Moon Reading for us all. If you never want to miss a New Moon Reading, sign up for my newsletter which comes out each New Moon. If you would like a insightful personal email tarot reading, please get in touch with me: thewillowpathtarot@gmail.com. I'd be happy to discuss with you the perfect reading to help you feel encouraged and empowered to shape your own destiny. I look forward to hearing from you :)