Tarot Reading for the Gemini Full Moon

Happy Full Moon! Want to hear something cool? The moon was full at exactly 12:12am EST on the day 12/12. Neat, huh? I’m sure that means something momentous in numerology but I couldn’t tell you what it is :). If you happen to Google it, let me know what you find out! Right now, I don’t want to get distracted from writing up the Full Moon in Gemini tarot reading for the collective.

Gemini can be a bit of a distractible sign. So many things are interesting and attractive when the Moon is in Gemini that our minds suffer from shiny object syndrome. “Look at that! Well, would you take a look at that!” With all of this mental energy blowing in with the Air sign of Gemini, this can be a great opportunity to take a hard look at what exactly you are thinking. Are you subscribing to certain limiting beliefs that you need to let go of at this time? What more empowering thoughts can you entertain?

The Gemini Full Moon is also a time for decision making. Gemini has the ability to see things from multiple perspectives as The Twins, but that can lead you away from choosing a single option. You are only able to go down one path at a time, so which path will you choose? Don’t get caught up in considering every eventuality. Trust your intuition and make a choice!

Here is the tarot reading for the collective at the Full Moon in Gemini on December 12, 2019:

The Ostara Tarot deck:  Death reversed, Ace of Wands reversed, IV of Pentacles reversed

The Ostara Tarot deck: Death reversed, Ace of Wands reversed, IV of Pentacles reversed

What limiting thoughts and beliefs do you need release and let go?- Death reversed

Well, here’s a monumental thought for you: it’s time to release and let go of the idea that you aren’t going to die. Yup, you are going to die. You only have this time. This is your life. What are you going to do with it?

I don’t generally find it helpful to ask myself what I would do if I knew I was going to die tomorrow. I would not be writing this blog post, I can tell you that! So how is that question helping get me through today? There is something to be said for acknowledging that you are not immortal, though. Our culture here in the USA tends to look away from death, putting it in its own special corner which we avoid looking at besides when we have to go to a funeral. You can acknowledge death by being grateful for each day that you are alive. Notice your aliveness and enjoy it! Incidentally, it is not a limiting belief to believe that life has limits- because it does.

It’s also time to put aside the limiting belief that things aren’t going to change. Things are changing all the time, right now, every single second. Nothing in this Universe is permanent. How does that knowledge open you up to possibility and allow you to let go? There is no point to hanging on to the way things are right now, even if they are glorious. The clinging and the grasping to good times kills the pleasure in them as you let fear of loss into the moment. Just be present and allow the good times, as well as the bad times, come into your life, then change into something else entirely.

What empowered message do you need to communicate to yourself?- Ace of Wand reversed

There is so much that you have to offer. There is a gift of creativity inside of you. There is something magical about the human brain that allows us to imagine things that do not physically exist is this world. We can then bring those fantasies, ideas, imaginations, into this world. We can manifest. We can make art. We can write stories. We can shape ourselves and the world around us according to our beliefs and ideas. Are you using your ability to manifest creations? Are you accessing your creative being?

It’s time to start telling yourself that the things you imagine are worth creating. It’s time to start telling yourself that the world will be a better place if you do what lights you up inside. It’s time to stop being afraid that you’ll only make crap, like you’re supposed to be this genius artist on your first try. Just try! Try and practice and get better with time. That’s how it’s done. You need to start, though. You’re never going to be a great artist or even a mediocre artist if you allow fear of that first step stop you in your tracks. You will be happier and more at peace with yourself in the trying and failing than you will ever be in the sitting around and telling yourself you can’t do it. You’ll find all kinds of meaning in the effort that you are currently lacking in your resistance.

What decision do you need to make?- IV of Pentacles reversed

Going along with the just starting and seeing how it goes, the decision you need to make is to decide to let go of control. When you sit on your hands and refuse to begin, you do control the situation. You give up that control when you put your hat in the ring, when you descend from the bleachers and enter the arena. You know exactly what will happen if you don’t try- nothing. But if you give it a shot? All kinds of chaos could ensue!

You could encounter challenges, problems, obstacles, or defeat if you try. You could also find joy, success, and whole new worlds of opportunity. The IV of Pentacles asks you to take a risk, to release your hold on the wheel, and jump into the game. Life is a bit of a wild ride when you decide to hop on into the game. Once again, that’s when meaning and purpose come into the whole thing. You’re not going to find much meaning just watching everyone else go on the ride while you judge them from the sidelines.

There it is! You’re Gemini Full Moon Reading for December 12, 2019. This is the last full moon of the year and the last full moon of the decade! Holy Shnikes! If you’re like me, you love to do an end of the year tarot reading. I’ve got a great tarot spread idea for you that you can use on your own, or you can order a reading from me!

I also love to do some planning at the turning of the calendar year. This year I created my very own Intention and Goal Setting Planner with all the prompts and questions and tarot spreads that I love to wrap up my year and then set goals and intentions for the year ahead. If you would like to jump on my planner bandwagon, you can purchase a download of the planner starting today!!


Deirdre Doran