Reading for the Full Moon in Taurus

Hello there and happy Full Moon day! Today the Moon lights up big and bright in the sky in the Earth sign of Taurus opposite the Sun in Scorpio. There is a special grounding energy to a Full Moon day as we release and let go of what is no longer serving us. It’s a cloudy, snowy day here in Vermont so I won’t be seeing the Moon, but I’ll still be doing my release work, opening up to all the possibilities that could fill the space I create to let in the new.

The Moon in Taurus helps us come into our bodies to physically express the emotions that may be welling up now with the Sun in Scorpio. Get tactile, get sensual, get touchy feely. Pay attention to what soothes your senses. Get comfortable, enter luxury, pamper yourself. Be wary not overdo it, though. Get some exercise but don’t exhaust yourself. Eat delicious food but don’t stuff yourself. Indulge yourself but don’t break the bank.

In fact, checking in with your finances and bringing balance to your money will make you feel abundant right now, whether you are in the black or the red. Just the simple act of attending to finances can make you feel like a queen of money. Paying attention to what matters to you is the important thing. Let go of ideas that you don’t have enough, or that you need more to be happy. You can be happy right now and still aspire to greater wealth.

Areas of Releasing with the Full Moon in Taurus:

  • Lack mentality, feeling like you don’t have and can’t ever get enough

  • Negative body imagine, feeling like you need to change yourself in order to be happy

  • Depriving yourself, because you don’t “deserve” the good things in life

  • Expecting to have it all figured out and disappointment that you’re still struggling

  • Needing everything to be perfect or all set in order to be happy

Questions for self reflection or for the tarot at the Full Moon:

  • What old beliefs about my body image/food/money/savings/self-care/indulgence/ exercise/etc am I ready to let go of at this Full Moon?

  • How can I cultivate a healthy relationship with body image/food/money/savings/self-care/indulgence/ exercise/etc now?

  • How can I be peaceful with where I am at currently in my life?

Here is the Full Moon reading for the collective:

Linestrider Tarot:  Judgment reversed,   VI of Pentacles,   The Fool

Linestrider Tarot: Judgment reversed, VI of Pentacles, The Fool

What old beliefs about what you deserve are you ready to let go of at this Full Moon?- Judgment reversed

Let go of judgments about what you deserve. It’s that simple! Okay, it sounds simple, but sometimes we don’t even know what inherent beliefs we hold about what we deserve. You could explore this by making a list of all the things that you think you do deserve and all of the things that you think that you don’t deserve. Perhaps you think you deserve a higher salary and you don’t deserve to be overlooked for a promotion. Now are you acting like those are your beliefs about what you deserve? Are you telling the hiring committee that you are deserve the job? Are you doing excellent work? Do you believe deep in your heart that you are competent and capable?

If you answered yes to those above questions, work to release any old thought patterns that are saying that you aren’t deserving. Stop telling yourself that you could always work harder, be smarter, do more. Start telling yourself that you are doing enough, that you are using your resources wisely, that you are doing the best you can. At this Full Moon in Taurus it’s time to stop the self-judgments that are always nitpicking and fault-finding and saying that you’ll deserve to enjoy you life and have what you want when you’re a little bit further along. You deserve joy and happiness right now. You will never be perfect and no one, including yourself, should expect you to be anything but what is your best at this moment.

How can you cultivate a healthy sense of what you deserve out of life?- Six of Pentacles

Remember that life is a constant ebb and flow, in and out, expansion and contraction, giving and receiving. The balance that we work so hard to achieve comes when the pendulum is swinging from one state to another. Balance is not static, but a constantly flowing practice of allowing. Allow times of productivity and times of rest. Allow times of great strides and times of regression. Allow yourself times of need and times when you can give. Allow, allow, allow the flow of energy in your life.

One of the tricky things about navigating your relationship with what you deserve is that you can never really comprehend the total picture of your life and how it fits into the pattern of the Universe. Sometimes you may totally believe that you deserve that promotion at work and you still don’t get it. This is a matter of timing, of this not being the right promotion or the right opportunity for you at this exact time. The Universe has something else in store for you that is something else that you deserve. Try to be patient and gentle with the mysteries of life and the unknowableness of why things happen as they happen. Accept that you will get what you deserve when the time is right (and so will everyone else!).

How can you be peaceful with where you are at currently in your life?- The Fool

The Fool is unconcerned with the future. She is stepping off into life with just a few trusty resources and a spirit of adventure. Peace comes from looking at the whole of life as a long journey in which each moment can be a starting off point. You can direct yourself in any direction through your choices and actions at any given moment. This type of magical thinking can lead to the peace of possibility. Nothing is inevitable besides constant change and transformation until death ends this cycle of life for you. You get to make choices every day that effect how that life is lived.

The Fool is also unconcerned about what other people think of her. She makes decisions and chooses adventures based upon her own wants and needs. One of the greatest regrets that people have at the end of their lives is that they worried too much about what other people thought of them. They essentially lived the life that their parents or spouse or boss wanted them to live and not the life that they themselves wanted. Ask yourself frequently, “Am I doing this because it is what other want for me or because it is what I want? What do I want to do? Am I not doing what I want because I’m worried that people would disapprove?” The Fool offers the peace of living in the moment without fear of the future outcomes or other people’s judgments.

Yippee there you go! Happy Full Moon in Taurus! I hope you found this reading useful and enjoyable. If you would like a personal reading, I am available for email readings at this time. Release, allow, let go, flow.

Deirdre Doran