It's Been a Minute...

Hey you!  It’s great to be back writing on the blog! Thank you for taking the time to reconnect with me. I’m excited to once again share the latest news from The Willow Path Tarot with you. If you haven’t been following me on Instagram or ordering email tarot readings, you may think I dropped off the face of the earth. The truth is, I just haven’t had the energy to write on this blog.


Life be like that sometimes, do you feel me? It happens to all of us. No matter what good intentions we have to stay on top of our work, passions, hobbies, text messages, to do list etc. things don’t always go as planned. You get a new job, you move, you go through a breakup, you get a dog, you get sick, a dear one dies, you have a baby, or you just plain lose interest for a while. Next thing you know, you haven’t done a thing for 2 years or even 20 years!


But guess what’s cool? It’s totally fine to just dive back in and reestablish that practice. I’m doing that with my newsletter and blog, and I encourage you to do that with some former passion that you’ve been missing. Why not start writing that novel again, or pick the guitar back up, or call a long lost friend, or reinvigorate a workout routine? It’s never too late to re-up your commitment to a practice that fulfills you.


I love writing, but sometimes I lose the flow of putting words on the page. It’s not like I haven’t written a thing in two years, I mean, have you checked my Tarot Year Cards offering?! They are an amazing way of tuning into the energy of your personal year so you can crush it with the support of the Universe. All the same, I’d like this be a recommitment to writing this blog. Keep me accountable and respond with some encouragement if you mean it J.


I also love self-development and the work of becoming more attuned to my authentic self. Tarot helps me in that self-discovery and I use it ALL THE TIME. It helps me understand my hang ups, clarify my goals, and commit to doing the work. It gives me smart (and sometimes tough love) guidance, validation, and practical advice. It gets me unstuck and gives me the confidence to do what I know is right for me. I’d love to offer you those same benefits through a tarot session.


While I’ve primarily been doing email readings and will continue to offer that reading option, I’m called to do more live “in-person” readings over Zoom. These one-on-one sessions allow for deep and illuminating conversations to take place between us. Instead of a one-way street of me writing about the tarot cards you drew, an in-person sessions offers you the chance to respond, to share, to explain, to get things off your chest, to talk things out, to be heard, and mainly to be an active participant in the process of creating your best life.


You’ll notice I’m not calling this offering a “tarot reading” but rather a “tarot session”. This is to highlight the participatory nature of these conversations. It is not an hour of me talking at you about the cards. Rather, it is a time for you to express yourself, to put your life situation into words, to work with me to derive meaningful guidance from the cards. A tarot session is for you if you want to explore and grow through self-inquiry and tapping into your intuition. It’s not for you if you want someone to tell you what to do without revealing much about your personal life.


Think of a tarot session as a deep and meaningful conversation with a friend, who has a deck of tarot cards to help you dive even deeper into your issues, validate your emotions, help you make decisions, and inspire you to take action to move in the direction you decide to go.


If you’re interested, you can find out more about ordering a tarot session and my regular schedule here on my website. I am also still available for email readings!


And that’s all for now.  Really I just wanted to pop in and say hello!  Today is the first day of Aries season, which is also the first day of the astrological year, and the first day of Spring or Autumn, depending on your location. It’s a great day to make a fresh start or recommit to the goals you set at the beginning of the calendar year.


Get to it!

Deirdre Doran